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CD Cover Artist: John Keawe
Title: Mana'olana
Category: Hawaiian Classics

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at $17.98

Catalog #: CD87

Tracks with links play Real Audio and/or MP3 samples

1. Mana'olana (Life begins and ends with hope) - Real Audio Clip
2. Paliakamoa
3. Hawaiian Lullaby / Somewhere Over The Rainbow
4. Kolealea (melody for young at heart) - Real Audio Clip
5. Pu`uanahulu - Real Audio Clip
6. Ku'ihe (to hurt in feelings)
7. Kohala Mountain Road
8. Opihi Moemoe
9. Sea Tuning
10. Green Rose Hula
11. The Rose
12. Lo'i Kalo (Taro Patch) - Real Audio Clip
13. Amazing Grace/ The Queen's Prayer
14. Mana`olana(reprise)

Other albums of the artist(s) -or- related albums:
All John Keawe titles are in stock
Keaweualani - (cd#336), Ho'onanea - (cd#38), Aloha Kaikua'Ana - (cd#192), Christmas Is..(cd#96), Heartfelt - Ka'ahuhu Homestead, Auhele


"This album (June 98) features Slack Key Guitar Instrumentals by John Keawe. It continues in longer compositions, the beautiful guitar performance of (CD # 38) his first album, Ho'onanea. If you enjoyed the first album, you'll really want this one. (Also look for his Christmas album CD#96)" TR/HPM


Keawe says: "I can't help but imagine how it was when the Vaqueros (Spanish Cowboys) actually introduced the guitar to the Paniolos (Hawaiian Cowboys). The Hawaiian Cowboy must have been so amazed at this new instrument and the beautiful sound it produced. Try to picture the very first Hawaiian who picked up the guitar and created music that has survived, been rejuvenatedand just now is becoming known to the rest of the world. Imagine all that from one man and his guitar. That is the essence of slack key."

"Mana'olana translated by Keawe means "Hope," our future, our ohana (family), our aina (land). Hope breeds life and music produces Hope and grants us the freedom to believe and to create. I share with you now some of my creations. May it also bring you Mana'olana."

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